Whether you have trouble falling asleep, experience insomnia, or have a tiny human waking you up every few hours, sleep issues are one of the most common modern complaints. 

Some people absolutely require sleep, while others can run on little to none – at least for a time. 

Hustle culture deprioritizes sleep, while wellness culture places a big emphasis on it.

How important is sleep? 

Sleep is incredibly important. While you sleep, all of your organs repair and restore themselves. Your precious sleep hours give you energy, stamina, and focus each day. 

While you might be able to run on caffeine for a short time, there’s no true replacement or offset for a lack of sleep.

Sleep also supports your immunity and ability to fight infection. It boosts metabolism and helps prevent chronic fatigue.

There’s no question: Sleep is crucial, and has a profound impact on physical and mental health. 

Generally speaking, adults need 7+ hours of sleep per night. It varies, depending on your state of health. For example, when you’re fighting an infection, your body may need more sleep.

What happens when you don’t sleep well?

Over 35% of adults report sleep trouble, and almost half say they feel tired during the day. 

When you’re not sleeping well, the likelihood of accidents and illnesses increase:

  • Sleeping less than 7 hours per day can increase your risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke.
  • People with insomnia are 7x more likely to have work-related accidents.
  • 40% of people with insomnia may also have a mental health disorder. 

A temporary lack of sleep can cause fatigue, decreased focus, and low-grade anxiety, while long-term sleep deprivation can lead to more serious issues, like the conditions listed above. 

If you can’t sleep well at night, should you take naps during the day?

Are naps just for kids? It turns out naps can be a great way for adults to recharge, especially those who can’t sleep through the night. 

Whether you struggle with something like insomnia, or you’re simply a night owl who’s able to work more effectively at night, naps can be a healthy part of your life. 

A 20-minute nap can give you a great boost of energy and precious time to restore your body. 

More benefits of napping include: 

  • Decreased fatigue.
  • Less stress. 
  • Improved mood. 
  • Better memory. 
  • Higher alertness. 
  • Improved cognitive health.
  • Increased work performance. 

10-20 minute naps seem to be the sweet spot for most people, but you can experiment with different lengths to see what works best for you. 

If you feel groggy or unwell after naps, they may not be right for you – each person is unique.

What role does bioenergetics play in sleep? 

When your energy is depleted, it can be difficult to sleep on a regular schedule. Especially if you consume caffeine, your body may be confused and running on adrenaline rather than true energy.

The NES scan can help you identify imbalances and restore your baseline health so that you can sleep better. The scan pinpoints what’s out of balance, and Infoceuticals replenish your energy on the cellular level. 

As a Bioenergetic Health Coach, how can you help your clients sleep better? 

As a Bioenergetic Health Coach, you’ll get a lot of clients who are struggling with sleep.

The NES System gives you the tools you need to pinpoint the root causes of sleep challenges and help restore their natural sleep cycle. 

You can work with clients all over the world, remotely scanning them though the voice software and dropshipping Infoceuticals. 

It turns out that sleep can be cumulative. 

While certain people will feel best when they’re sleeping on a traditional schedule, if that’s not possible for you right now, or you’re simply more productive at night, naps can be a great option. Looking at sleep holistically – in terms of total hours and impact per week – can help take away the pressure to fall asleep at a certain hour, and stay asleep for a certain amount of time. 

How do you work best? 

When are you naturally energized, and when are you naturally tired?

If you have the luxury of work flexibility, sometimes it can be as simple as working when you feel energized, and sleeping when you’re tired, whether that’s at 2am or 2pm. 

There’s a certain stigma around sleeping in and napping, and we think it’s time to let that go and embrace our natural cycles.

As a Bioenergetic Health Coach, you can help your clients reach their highest productivity by honoring their natural sleep cycles and optimizing their energy through the NES System.

>> If you can envision yourself working from anywhere in the world, helping people feel their absolute best using a proven, predictable system, click here to check out the Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program today.

We’d love to see you on the inside!



Harry Massey
Founder, NES Health