One of the most common reasons people seek out coaching is because their energy levels are low.

Whether it’s everyday fatigue or full-blown burnout, dragging yourself through each day simply sucks. 

I did it for nearly a decade… except, I couldn’t even drag myself through basic tasks. 

I had full-blown chronic fatigue syndrome, and was completely bedridden. 

Even though I had access to all the best care, from modern medicine to cutting-edge alternative therapies, nothing was working.

It was scary.

Chronic fatigue syndrome feels like an utter loss of control – there’s so many things you wish you could do, that you mentally WANT to do – but your body literally won’t cooperate. 

After your body has truly shut down, there’s no powering or pushing through.

Bioenergetics is what finally helped me restore my energy on a fundamental level, when nothing else was working. 

If you suspect that your energy is dwindling, these are the 10 signs you can look out for, so you can identify it now and hopefully prevent a total crash…

  1. Feeling tired or drained most of the time, even after a good night of sleep.
  2. Experiencing anxiety and self-doubt. 
  3. Relying on caffeine to get through the day – except it’s barely working anymore. 
  4. Lack of purpose and creativity. 
  5. Cynicism and emotional numbness. 
  6. Feeling overwhelmed about things that would normally be effortless.
  7. Getting annoyed or angry very easily.
  8. Fluctuations in menstrual cycle and/or libido.  
  9. Lack of interest in things you used to love.
  10. Insomnia and/or erratic sleep patterns. 


If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, here are 3 key steps you can take to begin restoring your energy…

  1. Reduce stimulants, like caffeine, alcohol, and sugar.

    They ultimately create a net loss in energy, since they artificially spike blood sugar, followed by a crash. They can even trigger the stress response.

    These spikes and crashes require more energy than they create. Your body has to work hard to come back to homeostasis.

  2. Prioritize sleep.

    Have your last caffeine, if you’re still drinking it, by 2pm.

    Turn off screens an hour or two before bed, and try to be asleep by 10pm.

    Create a dark, calm environment in your bedroom by using blackout curtains and minimizing artificial lights.

    Reserve your bedroom just for sleeping and relaxation – don’t bring work to bed.

  3. Streamline your schedule.

    If there’s something you can take off your plate, do it.

    Whether you eliminate it entirely or outsource it, clearing space is crucial.

    Very few things are worth burnout.

    Think about how much time and money it will cost if you do burnout, and that might make it easier to spend $25 on a laundry service, or hire a cleaning professional for $100. 


If you don’t yet have access to the NES System or haven’t gotten in for a scan yourself, today’s post will help you evaluate your situation – or a loved one’s – and begin to move in the right direction. 

These are the exact steps I would take today if I was experiencing signs of burnout and didn’t have the NES System at my disposal. 

Energy management is what our Bioenergetic Health Coaches primarily work on with clients, because your energy is at the root of your health. 

It affects everything you do, and it’s where illness or wellness truly springs forth from. 

We have practitioners from all fields of health adding the NES System into their practices, and total newbies enrolling to become Bioenergetic Health Coaches.

If you feel a calling to help people manage their energy and transform their health, we invite you to explore the program details today.

Have a question? We’re here to help. 

Simply reply “interested” to any of our emails, or call us at (888) 205-3930.

Our hours are 9am – 5pm ET, M-F.


Harry Massey

Founder, NES Health