the Next Dimension
In Health Coaching

Become A Bioenergetic
Health Coach.

Learn More

Confident health coach engaging with the audience, making eye contact, while using a laptop for personalized Bioenergetic Health Coaching sessions

The Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program

Is designed to

Ready to Uncover True Wellness?

Trust Your Intuition and Dive Deeper

Join us—there's a place for YOU.

Feel restricted by conventional well-being approaches? Trust your intuition—explore beyond the surface. Stop battling limiting beliefs. Shift to the core issue in your body’s energy system with Bioenergetics. Dive deeper into your passion for helping others succeed in health and life, contributing to a healthier, happier world.

Two women engaged in a Bioenergetic Health Coaching session, sitting and discussing wellness strategies in a supportive environment.
Bioenergetic Health Coaching

Discover the Blueprint for

Optimal Health with Bioenergetics

Your body’s blueprint, the body-field, governs everything from DNA to organs. Distorted information affects energy and sparks health issues. Beyond traditional solutions, explore Bioenergetics for a unique remedy.

Ready to Uncover True Wellness?

Bioenergetics: A Better Path to Health

Become A Bioenergetic Health Coach

As a Bioenergetic Health Coach you will support the body to restore itself to its own optimal state of functioning. How does Bioenergetics work with your energy and get to the root cause faster? 

Using the Detect, Correct, Protect method in partnership with the BioEnergetiX WellNES System.

Confident man preparing for a Bioenergetic Health Coaching session

Detect, Correct, Protect

The 3 Step Process For Accurate Energy Support

Microphone designed for vocal recognition, capturing and processing audio input for Bioenergetic Health Coaching



Unlocking the power of voice scan technology, the BioEnergetiX WellNES System rapidly assesses hundreds of body data points, revealing energy blockages and communication breakdowns instantly.

Bottles of infoceuticals, showcasing a selection of liquid supplements designed to support and enhance various aspects of health and well-being a main factor in Bioenergetic Health Coaching



Correcting the body-field with Infoceuticals optimizes energy flow, identifying and clearing both physical and emotional energetic blocks. As these blocks are removed, the body functions more efficiently, knowing how to operate in the best way possible. With BioEnergetiX WellNES, you can experience effective detoxification, faster nutrient absorption, improved sleep, support for correcting chronic and acute issues, release of trapped emotions, and numerous additional benefits.

Focused woman meditating, sitting with crossed legs in a serene posture, promoting mindfulness and relaxation propelled by Bioenergetic Health Coaching



Reestablish control by correcting the body’s field with Infoceuticals. Bioenergetic Health Coaching integrates traditional coaching with our unique bioenergetic process for a holistic approach. Provide personalized meditations addressing subconscious emotional issues for a healthy emotional state and smooth energy flow.

Combine this with guidance on diet, sleep, exercise, environmental cleanup, and other health coaching solutions for a comprehensive energy protection approach. The synergy of bioenergetics and health coaching offers a truly holistic method to detect, correct, and safeguard the body’s energy system.


Experts Are Saying About Using the
NES Health Bioenergetic WellNES System ​

Why is an adventurous mountain climber inviting you to join the new movement of health coaching?

Image of Harry Massey a pioneer in Bioenergetic Health Coaching

Hello. I’m Harry Massey.

My deep dive into the world of health solutions may be similar to yours – my own health hit rock bottom.

What started out as a normal climb in the French Alps ended with the tough call to end my climb halfway up the Aiguille du Midi to allow a glandular fever to sweat itself out. I was 22, and recovering from sickness was something I was always able to do quickly.

Until THEN

Although the fever left me, the exhaustion didn’t. It remained and grew worse. My days went from ice climbing to being flat on my back staring at the ceiling.

I was living in


Trying to focus enough to remember what I was thinking.

I researched and tried everything to get my energy back, following every protocol to the letter. Two years of Western medicine couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me.

One doctor told me 80% of those with chronic fatigue syndrome end up with it for life. “You should just take antidepressants,” he offered. After that “helpful” piece of advice, I decided to pursue alternative health options.

I went all in.

I tried IVs, supplements, different diets, ozone, and even coffee enemas that depleted my adrenals even more. I even went to Africa to do a water fast and lost a third of my body weight – and ended up in a wheelchair.

Trying to get well with just biochemistry was exhausting. And I was getting worse, not better….

And all of this took time. Not 1 year. Or 3.

It took 7 years.

Until I was in bed one day, frustrated and fed up. I suddenly had this thought: “If I don’t have energy….why don’t I study where energy comes from?”

This led me to bioenergetics

The Study of
Energy in Living Systems

albert Einstein

I wrote to a leading professor in the field of energy, Peter Fraser. He had spent decades studying energy, quantum physics, and more in order to map out what he called the human body-field. He agreed to work with me using his ideas of bioenergetics, applying an early version of the remedies we produce today.

Within days, I was responding strongly as my body started to clear itself of past problems and began to correct itself. Within a few months, I felt like myself again – full of energy and able to once again hike, bike, climb mountains, and moreI became convinced that bioenergetics was the future of health and wellness. That’s when I brought technology to the table and combined it with what Peter had been doing by hand.

Together we founded NES Health with a commitment to bringing the light of bioenergetics to the world.

Because as it turns out, Albert Einstein was right…

Future Medicine Will Be the Medicine of Frequencies

Join the Fast-Growing Movement in Energy Health.
Become A Bioenergetic Health Coach.

The future
is here

At NES Health, we’ve had numerous pilot and clinical studies done throughout the years. You can see just how powerful bioenergetics can be for real people dealing with real issues.

For instance, a 6-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled study showed that the NES Infoceuticals led to a reduction in depression scores and self-reported stress measures in 54 subjects.

In another instance, a pilot study saw an average 19% drop in blood pressure in participants through Infoceutical usage.

A large-scale study

based on clients’ self-reported concerns and improvements. For those who started with Wellness Scores below 4 – those who were quite unwell – there were substantial Wellness improvements and decreases in symptom severity between just their first and second visits with a Bioenergetic Health Coach.

Imagine the impact you can have on the health of clients in your community and circle of influence.

Today, we’re taking things to

A whole new level

(and completely overcoming any concerns about “placebo effects”) by studying the results of Infoceuticals on live tissue. Exciting early results are showing both viral protection and stem cell replication.

Here’s an example of how an Infoceutical (white bars) prevented viral penetration into cells compared to 2 controls:

Note that both controls provided no protection. The Infoceutical provided substantial protection even when greatly diluted.

Can you see the potential of bioenergetics to impact health?

You can continue down this path with us. And join in as we lead the way showing bioenergetics as the future of health and healing.

Less than 50 SEATS LEFT in this founding class!


Become an In-Demand Bioenergetic Health Coach

Command top-tier prices as a go-to expert with NES Health’s Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program – the ONLY program empowering health coaches to integrate bioenergetics within 90 days. Packed with 8 modules featuring easy-to-digest lessons and powerful principles for holistic health empowerment.
Bioenergetic Health Coaching



The Body Basics of Anatomy & Physiology

aka A primer in understanding the body

In this first core training, you’ll…



Intro To The Life Changing Principles Of Bioenergetics

Buckle up! In this module, you’ll:



Restore Your Energy with Bioenergetics

In this module, you’ll:



Health Coaching 101

Catch your breath! This short module is a quick stop to frame up the next section of the course. You’ll:

a woman teaching a Bioenergetic Health Coaching session



Health Coaching
for the Body

Roll up your sleeves. Now that you have the triple threat foundation of anatomy, physiology and bioenergetics, you’re ready to start tackling the basics of health coaching.

In this module, you’ll:



Health Coaching for the Environment

Start taking your client beyond nutrition and lifestyle. Open their eyes to the reality of environmental impact on their health.

In this module, you’ll:

a coach going through a Bioenergetic Health Coaching session



Health Coaching for the Mind

The success of health & wellness coaches happens when you stay true to coaching first.

In this module, you’ll:



The Business of Health Coaching

Identify and match the principles of client success with your own values to create a unique business. Support your clients while reaching your personal goals.

In this module, you’ll:

Bioenergetic Bonus -
$2700 US value!

As a bonus for you, we’re giving you free access to the BioEnergetiX WellNES System for 90 days as well as a seat at the Bioenergetic Wellness Experience.
This powerful system gives you everything you need to become a Bioenergetic Health Coach.

Take a look at your all-in-one business support system:

Bioenergetic Health Coaching tools

And so much more!

Plus Your Accountability Ambassador + Extra Support

When you sign up to join the program, you get an Accountability Ambassador on your team.

a woman getting ready for a Bioenergetic Health Coaching session

Their Job Is To:

Join the Bioenergetic
Health Coaching Program Now

and get immediate access to …

Here’s a Quick Recap of the Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program

And so much more!

Got Questions? Ask Away!

Absolutely. The Bioenergetic Health Coaching Certification program comes with our Energetic Guarantee – 100% money back in the first 30 days.

If you dive into the material or test drive the NES Health System and discover that it isn’t a good fit for you, simply email us or let your Accountability Team Member know and we’ll refund you.

The Bioenergetic Health Coaching certification course is like no other. Most health coaching courses will only emphasize nutrition and lifestyle changes. We go beyond that.

The Bioenergetic Health Coaching certification course adds three powerful elements.
1. Education of bioenergetics and the whole body approach (mind, body, spirit)
2. The practical ability to Detect, Correct and Protect client energy
3. Accountability – receive support with weekly calls from your Accountability Ambassador, a 90 minute call during your first voice scan experience and much more.

The Bioenergetic Health Coaching course is for those who prefer strategic learning. And those who learn best by doing.

One reason we are providing you with the 90 day access to the entire NES Health system is because we know that fast action takers like to engage with clients right away.

And people who prefer a slow and steady approach do best when they have the support of tools and a team to use while they gain confidence.

This course is designed to shorten the learning curve. And help you feel 100% confident that you can help your clients see results.

Of course! We’ve had many practitioners and health professionals add bioenergetics to their professional work.

Using bioenergetics with your current practice gives you a way to stand out among other health coaches.

It also gives your clients a fresh approach to working on their health.
We often hear that the voice scans have surprised clients with the accuracy it detects issues – mind, body and emotional. A great way to delight your existing clients.

In the course, you will find that some modules will be a refresher of concepts you’ve already learned.

And other lessons -like Module 1 and 3 – will show you the potential that comes with the Bioenergetic Health Coaching program.

Your previous coaching certification may find you unlearning some concepts and building on others. Either way, you’ll have the support of your Accountability Ambassador who will help you navigate the new tools, tech and ideas you will be learning.

Naturally, we’re biased and can give an absolute resounding yes.

We understand. Sometimes cost is a hurdle to moving forward and not everyone can afford to purchase the coaching course in full. If that’s the case, please don’t fall victim to FOMO and rack up credit card debt. There’s a better way.

That’s why we give you access to our complete NES Health Bioenergetic Wellness System for 90 days. When you start working with clients, using the voice scan and selling the 3-5 infoceuticals per client, a return on investment quickly happens.

So, yes. The course is worth the big investment. We don’t offer any magic cures. Simply a system and personal support while you do the hard work of stepping out of your comfort zone and working with clients.

When you purchase the Bioenergetic Health Coaching program you own -for life – all of the Health Coaching modules in your Educational portal.

For the first 90 days, you have access to the NES Health System.
That includes:
-unlimited voice scans a month
-In-depth 10+ page client reports covering various areas of health
-15+ personalized imprinted meditation audio downloads
-15 complimentary Infoceuticals

-a comprehensive portal that safely stores all client information
-a complete messaging system so all communication stays in one place with your clients
-ordering capabilities so you can drop ship infoceuticals where possible

After 90 days, you get to choose:

Coach without using the NES WellNES system…

Or carry on using our powerful system that saves you time, money and organization headaches.

If you decide to continue, we have three options for you that will grow with your business.

As you work on creating referrals from your first clients, you have access to the NES system for $150/month which includes up to 6 scans.

(Or, as we teach you during the 90 days, the equivalent of 1.5 client sessions a month.)

As you build your coaching practice & see more clients, you can then upgrade to up to 20 scans a month for only $297.

This means that if you do 2 paid bioenergetic client sessions per month, the other 18 client sessions are pure profit, earning you approximately $50,000 per year.

The third level is up to 50 scans for $397/month.

Once your practice really gets going and, if you choose to start doing group coaching sessions with 50 clients at once on a webinar you’ll be joining coaches earning $250,000 per year and more.

With most businesses needing several pieces of technology talking to each other (calendar booking links, billing software, email, etc.) we know that having all the admin pieces in one place allows you to grow at a steady pace.

And have peace of mind.

That’s why we offer the grow with you pricing plan. This is your health coaching practice. You get to decide how you will run it and how full your client roster is. Whether running a big practice or this- fits-me-right size practice, you can help be confident that you’ll be professional as you support clients with bioenergetic


As soon as you click the buy now button and fill in the order form. You’ll receive a confirmation email followed by an all-access email.

The all-access email gives you your login and password information so you can start learning right away. No need to delay your journey. You can start digging into the course material in a matter of minutes.

We love your enthusiasm! We know how powerful the voice scans are – we’ve seen them change the lives of many. It’s tempting to say, “Go for it!” right away.

However, we are the ONLY place where you can get certified as a bioenergetic Health Coach. It’s important to us that you have a strong foundation of how bioenergetics works. We want you to feel confident when friends, family and clients do a voice scan and ask, “How does this work?! How did this computer voice scan know this about my health? This is incredible!”

You can schedule your first voice scan moments after you sign up for the Certification Program or wait until you have learned more about bioenergetics – the choice is yours.

You’ll meet with your Accountability Team Member and spend 90 minutes reviewing your scan while also learning how to read scans.

We ship to the US, Canada, Australia and Europe. If you’re outside of these areas, Infoceuticals aren’t included in your purchase of the coaching program. If you are curious about our shipping capabilities, contact us at We’ll work with you to find the right solution.

Absolutely. If you’ve read through this entire page and you’re still wondering if it’s a good fit for you, schedule a call with us by emailing us at Let’s figure out if this training is right for you.

Our promise to you: If this course isn’t a good fit for you, we’ll tell you. No strong armed tactics. No high pressure sales. We’re in the business of helping people find a coaching program that aligns with their values.