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the Next Dimension

in Health Coaching…

Become a Bioenergetic Health Coach and help your clients get to the root of their health issues faster

You're a Health Enthusiast

You’re a Health Enthusiast fighting chronic or autoimmune issues OR a health coach looking to get better results. That means you already:

And yet… you still find yourself stumped at the limitations of sleep, diet, exercise and other lifestyle solutions to get someone well.

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Blue berry water

Which means you can

Spend days,
weeks or years...

Even though you’ve tried everything from heavy metal detoxing to coffee enemas, keto to paleo diets, deep breathing exercises to cold water showers – progress is painfully slow and seems just out of reach.

You can’t help but think, “If only there was a way to get to the root of the problem.” Well…

Your intuition
is right

You should look deeper.

Past the symptoms. Past the typical solutions of sleep, diet, and exercise. And straight to the energetic level inside your body. Because getting to the true root cause of health issues happens when you address the body’s energy system.

aka the body-field.

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Discover the Blueprint for

Optimal Health with Bioenergetics

All tissues, organs, organ systems, cells, and even DNA are governed by your body-field. It’s your body’s blueprint for health.

And when your body is operating from a blueprint with distorted information, your energy is affected and health issues start to surface.

To solve these issues, you need to go deeper than food, sleep, and exercise solutions. And you can. With a solution like no other: Bioenergetics.


Bioenergetics: A better path to health

Using voice scan technology that measures your energetic frequencies, the BioEnergetiX WellNES System assesses hundreds of data points in the body. Get an accurate reading on the energetic state of your body or your client’s body within seconds.

Unmask where energy is blocked and where communication is breaking down.

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Are Chemical Free

Provides energy when you need it and allow you to rest when you don’t. Avoid the energy-masking that stimulants can cause.

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Improve Stress Resilience

Activate the body’s own stem cell production and repair processes, increasing your ability to resist stress and increase resilience.

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Improve Performance & Productivity

Protect cognitive function and muscle development, improving reaction time and reducing mental errors.

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Enhance Mood Stability

Support consistent mood with fewer crashes and less anxiety.

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Are Side-Effect Free

Enhance your body with exclusive biosignatures that are chemical, toxin, and side-effect free.

Become Part of the Fast-Growing Movement in Energy Health

As A Bioenergetic Health Coach

(and discover the 3 step process for accurate energy support)

Bioenergetic Health Coaches support the body to restore itself to its own optimal state of functioning. How? Using the Detect, Correct, Protect Method in partnership with the BioEnergetiX WellNES System.


Using voice scan technology that measures your energetic frequencies, the BioEnergetiX WellNES system assesses hundreds of data points in the body. Get an accurate reading on the energetic state of your body or your client’s body within seconds.

Unmask where energy is blocked and where communication is breaking down.

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When you correct the body-field, you optimize the flow of energy.

Once you’ve identified the energetic blocks inside the body – whether physical or emotional – you clear those blocks by feeding the correct operating instructions to the body through the use of Infoceuticals.

When the blocks to energy are removed the body works more efficiently and more correctly. It suddenly knows what to do and how to do it in the best way possible.


And you are able to:


When you correct the body field with Infoceuticals, you restore the underlying control system of everything. As the body restores itself, it’s important to help your clients continue on a path of health that will protect their energy.

That’s where Bioenergetic Health Coaching comes in. This is the intersection where traditional health coaching partners with our exclusive bioenergetic process. You can combine the best of both worlds for the most holistic approach possible to health.

You can offer personalized, imprinted meditations – guided meditations customized to a client’s scan results. These use a similar technology to our Infoceuticals and work with clients at the subconscious level to help them overcome emotional and belief issues.

By helping them maintain a healthy emotional state, you help to keep energy flowing well in the body.

Combine this with guidance on:

By combining bioenergetics with health coaching, you have a truly holistic way to detect, correct, and protect the body’s energy system.

Get access to the tools, resources, systems and accountability you need to

Become an
In-Demand Bioenergetic Health Coach

(And command top-tier prices as a go-to expert)

Introducing NES Health’s Bioenergetic Health Coaching  Program The ONLY Health Coaching Program that empowers brand new and existing health coaches to start using bioenergetics within 90 days

I think the NES system is almost making us client whisperers and we are becoming more intuitive. With NES the practitioner and the client can basically have a non-verbal conversation.

- Dr. Stephan Sinatra, Americas #1 integrative cardiologist

Take a peek inside

The only program that certifies health coaches to work with Bioenergetics

The NES Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program is jam-packed with 8 exciting modules.

Easy to digest lessons with powerful principles based on empowering the whole person to flourish in every area of their health.

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human body



The Body Basics of Anatomy & Physiology

aka A primer in understanding the body

In this first core training, you’ll…



Intro to (the life changing principles of) Bioenergetics

Buckle up! In this module, you’ll:



Restore Your Energy with Bioenergetics

In this module, you’ll:



Health Coaching 101

Catch your breath! This short module is a quick stop to frame up the next section of the course. You’ll:

Woman standing



Health Coaching
for the Body

Roll up your sleeves. Now that you have the triple threat foundation of anatomy, physiology and bioenergetics, you’re ready to start tackling the basics of health coaching.

In this module, you’ll:



Health Coaching for the Environment

Start taking your client beyond nutrition and lifestyle. Open their eyes to the reality of environmental impact on their health.

In this module, you’ll:




Health Coaching for the Mind

The success of health & wellness coaches happens when you stay true to coaching first.

In this module, you’ll:



The Business of Health Coaching

Identify and match the principles of client success with your own values to create a unique business. Support your clients while reaching your personal goals.

In this module, you’ll:

Bioenergetic Bonus -
$1200 value!

As a bonus for you, we’re giving you free access to the BioEnergetiX WellNES System for 90 days. This powerful system gives you everything you need to become a Bioenergetic Health Coach.

Take a look at your all-in-one business support system:

Visual representation of the bonus material

And so much more!


Plus Your Accountability
Ambassador + Extra Support

When you sign up to become certified, you get an Accountability Ambassador on your team.

Their job is to:

Woman laughing

Join the Bioenergetic
Health Coaching Program Now

and get immediate access to …

The future is

Bioenergetic Health Coaching
$ 500/month
  • Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program + Annual BioEnergetiX WellNES System membership - your last 2 payments are FREE
  • Platinum scanning tier - 50 scans per month for 12 months (only pay for 10)
  • Discount is automatically applied to the shopping cart
  • Total package value - $6870 (save over $1800)

Compare the difference that

Bioenergetic Coaching Offers

Other Health Coaching Courses The NES Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program
Focuses only on lifestyle & nutrition
Bioenergetic health coaches look at detecting, correcting and protecting energy in the body. Plus lifestyle & nutrition health coaching.
Provides course certification
Receive course certificate + tools and tech to test out for 90 days
Support is peer-based only or provided with an additional costs
Receive support with a Accountability Ambassador who stays with you for the first 90 days.
No additional tech
Unlimited voice scans for 90 days to use on new clients - start building a reputation while implementing your course work
Provides a recommended list of supplements
5 complimentary Infoceuticals so you can experience the products for yourself
Education only for coaching. No business plan.
A proven business system that lays out each step to take to get your business up and running
Getting started guides
Complete Documentation System - steal our templates and create a streamlined process for your clients. Everything from intake to referral forms
Access to wholesale pricing on supplements only
Access to wholesale pricing on our Infoceutical remedies and miHealth biofeedback devices. Drop shipping services for remote clients or if you simply don’t want to stock products.

Still battling between your head and your heart?

See what these respected practitioners have to say about using the NES Health Bioenergetic WellNES System

“Since adding NES Health to my practice, I have continued to demonstrate time and time again the power of quantum wellness, the power of the scan, and that the scan is never wrong. It can truly offer insights into the body, both mind and physical wellbeing that the medical community cannot comprehend often nor understand. It truly is a remarkable system.

-Dr. Susan Bostian, Integrative Health and Nutrition

“I like the accuracy, the effectiveness and the simplicity, but most of all I like the safety. The safety factor is huge. There are no side effects to the Infoceuticals.”

- Ron Minson, NES Health Practitioner, USA

“I became a NES Health practitioner to take my wellbeing into my own hands after suffering from chronic pain for 9 years, yet the more I learned about my own energetic body and experienced the benefits of the BWS, the more I felt an urge to share it with the world. It is truly a rewarding job that has allowed me to find my purpose in life.”

- Maximilian Waid, NES Health Practitioner, USA

“Probably my greatest NES Health testimony is a client that had a severe auto-immune disease and after being on NES for less than two years she no longer takes medication, is able to work and has a normal life. And best of all her doctor gave her a clean bill of health.”

-Deborah Holt, Nutritional Counselor

Waiting for a sign?
Here it is!

The Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program is Perfect for You if…

The NES Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program is NOT for you if…

If any of these ring true for you, move in the opposite direction of this opportunity.

The Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program

is designed to help you:

Join the Bioenergetic
Health Coaching Program Now

and get immediate access to …

The future is

Bioenergetic Health Coaching
$ 500/month
  • Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program + Annual BioEnergetiX WellNES System membership - your last 2 payments are FREE
  • Platinum scanning tier - 50 scans per month for 12 months (only pay for 10)
  • Discount is automatically applied to the shopping cart
  • Total package value - $6870 (save over $1800)
Satisfsction Guarantee

Our "Energetic" Guarantee

We are on a mission to detect, correct and protect the energy of 1 million people. And we believe you see the benefits of belonging to a big dream.

You give yourself the ability to stand out in a growing industry when you follow the bioenergetic way. That’s why we promise to provide you the ease and ability to do just that.

Take 30 days. Use the frameworks and systems inside the Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program to become a bioenergetic health coach. Work through the modules, follow your assigned accountability partner’s advice and use the exercises to make an executable plan. Then follow through.

If after all that – after you’ve put in the effort and reached out to potential clients, scanned the voices of friends, family, pets and clients – and you’re not seeing any results – to say nothing of no increase in confidence! – then you deserve your money back. And we’ll give you back every cent. Simply email us at admissions@neshealth.com within 30 days of purchasing, and we’ll give you your money back. All we ask is that you send us your completed workbook so we know you actually tried and we actually failed.

We’re confident that when you link arms with us, you’ll find all the support, education and tech tools you need to stand out. We’re committed to helping you build a bioenergetic health coaching business that works for you and your goals.

That said…when it does work When you start a voice scan with a client and you hear them exclaim as you read their results… When your clients try Infoceuticals and tell others about you…. When you hit your goals and earn back your initial investment and more….

You’ll have us cheering you on – and a whole group of bioenergetic health coaches sending you a virtual high five!

I’ve been suffering from IBS for many years since I was a teenager but didn’t know what it was. And I found that within the first three days, I felt so different. My IBS improved no end. I just felt so different. I just felt really good. Within the first month, I was a different person. Absolutely a different person

-Lynn Martin NES Client

What I am most grateful for is NES actually played an important role in saving my husband’s life. In December 2005 he was diagnosed with five growths in his left lung. The tumors were small but the doctor concluded it would be reasonable to consider transthoracic needle aspiration biopsy. We had three and a half months before the procedure. It seemed to not be long enough to get rid of the tumors, but I was hopeful. Richard finally decided to take the Infoceuticals. I combined NES with other basic detoxification measures, and you probably already guessed that the biopsy was rendered unnecessary. To this date, in the past 13 years, none of those tumors have ever returned.

- Lydia Hackett-Jones, Homoeopath

Become an exclusive health coach

Harness the power of bioenergetics

And & help people recover their energy for life

The truth is…

You’ve already been doing the work.

It’s true. You’re already …

And even though you feel slightly uncomfortable, you know it’s that exhilarating, taking-a-leap-and trusting-your-gut kind of uncomfortable that tells you that you’re on the path to something great.

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Woman in field
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You love helping people.

It’s time to stop fighting with your limiting beliefs.

Go deeper into your desire to help others achieve success in their health and life. It’s time to use your gifts to help make the world a healthier, happier place.

Come on in. There’s a place for you.

Professionals who have used our system to impact the quality of health in their clients:

“I am an ex-clinical pharmacist and I used to work for the world’s biggest pharmaceutical company as a clinical research associate. Following my own experiences with NES ProVision, I have taken the next step forward and have started working with the NES miHealth device. I am now working across Europe with doctors and therapists to help integrate this next quantum leap into their everyday practice. The NES miHealth is a device that brings us back to our real human potential.”

Jacques Bauer, NES Health Practitioner, France

“I’m an Osteomyologist and I work at a chiropractic clinic. I have been using the NES miHealth with clients who are very sensitive to touch and who simply can’t cope with deep massage work. What I’ve been looking for is a device that can do for my clients “off body”, what I would normally do with them through physical massage. In the NES miHealth, I’ve found exactly the device I need.”

Carina Di Battista, Osteomyologist, UK

Here’s a Quick Recap of the Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program

And so much more!

Got Questions? Ask Away!

Absolutely. The Bioenergetic Health Coaching program comes with our Energetic Guarantee – 100% money back in the first 30 days.

If you dive into the material or test drive the NES Health System and discover that it isn’t a good fit for you, simply email us or let your Accountability Team Member know and we’ll refund you.

The Bioenergetic Health Coaching certification course is like no other. Most health coaching courses will only emphasize nutrition and lifestyle changes. We go beyond that.

The Bioenergetic Health Coaching certification course adds three powerful elements.
1. Education of bioenergetics and the whole body approach (mind, body, spirit)
2. The practical ability to Detect, Correct and Protect client energy
3. Accountability – receive support with weekly calls from your Accountability Ambassador, a 90 minute call during your first voice scan experience and much more.

The Bioenergetic Health Coaching course is for those who prefer strategic learning. And those who learn best by doing.

One reason we are providing you with the 90 day access to the entire NES Health system is because we know that fast action takers like to engage with clients right away.

And people who prefer a slow and steady approach do best when they have the support of tools and a team to use while they gain confidence.

This course is designed to shorten the learning curve. And help you feel 100% confident that you can help your clients see results.

Of course! We’ve had many practitioners and health professionals add bioenergetics to their professional work.

Using bioenergetics with your current practice gives you a way to stand out among other health coaches.

It also gives your clients a fresh approach to working on their health.
We often hear that the voice scans have surprised clients with the accuracy it detects issues – mind, body and emotional. A great way to delight your existing clients.

In the course, you will find that some modules will be a refresher of concepts you’ve already learned.

And other lessons -like Module 1 and 3 – will show you the potential that comes with the Bioenergetic Health Coaching program.

Your previous coaching certification may find you unlearning some concepts and building on others. Either way, you’ll have the support of your Accountability Ambassador who will help you navigate the new tools, tech and ideas you will be learning.

Naturally, we’re biased and can give an absolute resounding yes.

We understand. Sometimes cost is a hurdle to moving forward and not everyone can afford to purchase the coaching course in full. If that’s the case, please don’t fall victim to FOMO and rack up credit card debt. There’s a better way.

That’s why we give you access to our complete NES Health Bioenergetic Wellness System for 90 days. When you start working with clients, using the voice scan and selling the 3-5 infoceuticals per client, a return on investment quickly happens.

So, yes. The course is worth the big investment. We don’t offer any magic cures. Simply a system and personal support while you do the hard work of stepping out of your comfort zone and working with clients.


As soon as you click the buy now button and fill in the order form. You’ll receive a confirmation email followed by an all-access email.

The all-access email gives you your login and password information so you can start learning right away. No need to delay your journey. You can start digging into the course material in a matter of minutes.

We love your enthusiasm! We know how powerful the voice scans are – we’ve seen them change the lives of many. It’s tempting to say, “Go for it!” right away.

However, we are the ONLY place where you can get certified as a bioenergetic Health Coach. It’s important to us that you have a strong foundation of how bioenergetics works. We want you to feel confident when friends, family and clients do a voice scan and ask, “How does this work?! How did this computer voice scan know this about my health? This is incredible!”

You can schedule your first voice scan moments after you sign up for the Certification Program or wait until you have learned more about bioenergetics – the choice is yours.

You’ll meet with your Accountability Team Member and spend 90 minutes reviewing your scan while also learning how to read scans.

We ship to the US, Canada, Australia and Europe. Chances are high that we can ship to you. If you are curious about our shipping capabilities, contact us at admissions@neshealth.com. We’ll work with you to find the right solution.

Absolutely. If you’ve read through this entire page and you’re still wondering if it’s a good fit for you, schedule a call with us by emailing us at admissions@neshealth.com. Let’s figure out if this training is right for you.

Our promise to you: If this course isn’t a good fit for you, we’ll tell you. No strong armed tactics. No high pressure sales. We’re in the business of helping people find a coaching program that aligns with their values.

Join the Bioenergetic
Health Coaching Program Now

and get immediate access to …

The future is

Bioenergetic Health Coaching
$ 500/month
  • Bioenergetic Health Coaching Program + Annual BioEnergetiX WellNES System membership - your last 2 payments are FREE
  • Platinum scanning tier - 50 scans per month for 12 months (only pay for 10)
  • Discount is automatically applied to the shopping cart
  • Total package value - $6870 (save over $1800)

The new dimension in health coaching is here

It all adds up. Bioenergetic Health Coaching Course + Proven Business Plan + Supportive Tech that lets you Earn While You Learn + Accountability + No Risk Guarantee = The Perfect Health Coaching Program For You

© NES Health 2022
NES Health, 5801 Benjamin Center, Suite 113, Tampa FL 33634
(888) 242-5933